Where is the only divided nation in the world?
The Korea peninsula. We divided into 2 different countries in 1950s during the Korea War.
In 1945, Korea goined independenced
from Japan but received more interference from
USA and Soviet Union. They help us to independence.
The a super power divided half of our country and after 3 years of brutal combat over their rival ideologies communism vs capitalism ,North Korea`s dictator Kim Il- sung wanted forced reunification
The North received support from the Soviet Union and China.
The war began in 1950. It was an awful tragedy.
The same ethnic group fought and killed each other
It`s possible to compare North and south Korea`s sitvation to that of East and West Germany. Maybe we will have a sudden reunification, but can we prepare for the big effect?
It will need a lot of money and living space. After we
ensure that, our unified country can become one of the world`s most powerful nation. Reunification must consistent and most importantly separated families` dreams of being reunited must come true.