Once upon a time, I used play car racing game a lot. As you know, beautiful and awesome car is common people`s dream.
In these days, function is important than outside fancy.
For example, phone number function. When car is pass by people who walk one the street, their phone number is come into sight. It can be illegality but it`s pretty good skill. Second, space movement. When car`s condition is not bad, super cars can go about 300km per hours. But it can blank by police.
Finally, it has critical short point. In Seoul or many cites, you must do not ride this. Because cars floor is
very lower than other cars. So, when car across by
speed bump, your car will be rag. There is many super
cars brand in Europe, such as Audi, Benzs, ferrari.
However, many countries government suggest to ride a hydrogen car or electric car. But they have a critical points. Almost many countries doesn`t have hydrogen or electric stations even electric car can charge it in their house. But, it can cause electric rate`s main crprit. I saw hydrogen car sometimes!
A lot of futurologist predicted gasoline power car will mainly use in this century.