I have been playing water polo when I play in swimming pool.
I think dough ball is the most famous event in elementary school. In Olympics event, there is similar sport with dodge ball. It named water polo which play hand ball in the water. This sport is started in the late 19th century in United Kingdom. Water polo was spread to all over Europe and United States of America (USA). In 1900, water polo is chosen in Olympics event. It made to simple point of swimming. This sport played in a river or lake. Water polo ball is used to use the pig`s stomach.
However, 1863, India export the rubber ball so water polo is upgrade one stair. Finally, 1877, William Wilson made goal post and make rule correctly because rule is very old and not perfect. Let`s learn water power shoot instead fire shoot in comic. You can realize how hard if you throw the ball in the water. Your head must float in the surface of the water~