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Destination of Environmental Refugees? 2018-09-03 오후 10:34:00

Global warming, sea level rise, and such other types of effects resulting from excessive man-made pollution are thriving in our globe, and this came to be in a mere decade or so. As development proceeds to the economically developed nations, such as America or China, manufacturing processes and factories, levels of CO2 emissions, and usage of anti-eco-friendly goods has increased rapidly and led to this immediate result of the environmental crisis.

Due to a cause and effect relationship, many environmental refugees have appeared in a short period of time. The rising sea levels, desertification of lands, and other factors such as rapid climate change have jeopardized areas where people are settled in. And when it is too risky for these people to continue living in the area, they are forced to leave the place they originally stayed in, and flee to other nations or regions. Then where do these ‘environmental refugees’ need to arrive for survival? ‘Major polluting nations’, such as the US or China, the places where these people need to go to. First of all, these countries are usually the nations that are mostly attributed to the global pollution. Because of these nations, the environmental refugees have taken place in its worst. Even though it is true that it is not only these ‘major’ polluting nations that are on the blame, without these nations, the situation would have been much better than how it is currently. Since they have the responsibility, they need to be the ones to aid those who sacrificed due to their doings.
It is said that desertification currently affects 100 to 200 millions of people worldwide. Especially in Northern Africa, people mostly become the victims of this trend, with inhospitable land and a shortage of food or water. These people frequently take refuge in Western Europe, but the majority end up in the neighboring countries of Africa, near their original homes. This may bring more crisis or aggravated conditions in small adjacent countries because they are already suffering from poverty and economic instability. A vast number of refugees flowing into one area are usually a highly unfavorable event from the perspective of many nations, especially in managing those takes up a lot of financial supplies, resources, and time. But if it is not the major developed countries accepting these refugees, the poorest countries of the world are. This can bring deterioration and harmful results to the neighboring countries.

Seoul International School
  ◀ 이전글 | 다음글 ▶  
글작성자 - lovemys :
2018-09-05 오후 2:21:49
  Global warming, sea level rise, and such other types of effects resulting from excessive man-made pollution are thriving in our globe, and this came to be in a mere decade or so. As development proceeds to the economically developed nations, such as America or China, manufacturing processes and factories, levels of CO2 emissions, and usage of anti-eco-friendly goods have increased rapidly and led to this immediate result of the environmental crisis.

Due to a cause and effect relationship, many environmental refugees have appeared in a short period of time. The rising sea levels, desertification of lands, and other factors such as rapid climate change have jeopardized areas where people are settled in. And when it is too risky for these people to continue living in the area, they are forced to leave the place they originally stayed in, and flee to other nations or regions. Then where do these ‘environmental refugees’ need to arrive for survival? ‘Major polluting nations’, such as the US or China, the places where these people need to go to. First of all, these countries are usually the nations that are mostly attributed to the global pollution. Because of these nations, the environmental refugees have taken place in its worst. Even though it is true that it is not only these ‘major’ polluting nations that are on the blame, without these nations, the situation would have been much better than how it is currently. Since they have the responsibility, they need to be the ones to aid those who sacrificed due to their doings.
It is said that desertification currently affects 100 to 200 millions of people worldwide. Especially in Northern Africa, people mostly become the victims of this trend, with inhospitable land and a shortage of food or water. These people frequently take refuge in Western Europe, but the majority end up in the neighboring countries of Africa, near their original homes. This may bring more crisis or aggravated conditions in the small adjacent countries because they are already suffering from poverty and economic instability. A vast number of refugees flowing into one area are usually a highly unfavorable event from the perspective of many nations, especially in managing those takes up a lot of financial supplies, resources, and time. But if it is not the major developed countries accepting these refugees, the poorest countries of the world are. This can bring deterioration and harmful results to the neighboring countries.
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