The 33th All Star baseball game is coming up.
A lot of people are engaged with this game and check their own team`s player. The All Star game opens on July 18th.
Many people are looking forward to this game.
That is because, the KT wiz team is participating for the first time and also the two team`s names are
changing. Before, we called the teams Eastern and Western. However, this year we will call them the Dream team and the Share team. This all star game is the 9th game.
In the last game, the MVP was Nexen Heroes`Park Byung- ho.
The all star game makes every baseball fan curious.
This game is composed of the main game, the homerun race
and the bunt king. The bunt king is the winner of who can bunt closest to the target. Last year`s winner was Lotte Giants` Son Ah- seop. However, the homerun race winner is who hit homeruns continuously. The final survivor was Doosan Bears` Kim Hyon- Su.
Finally, the perfect pitcher is the winner who topples the most bats.
Last year`s winner was LG Twins Lee Dong- Hyon.
I suggest you should cheerlead at home with chicken.