Government R &D services outsourcing company that specializes in tax credits for early next year, including expanded R &D services industry is seeking to foster.
This is due to the progressing research and development in the future, corporate outsourcing services that will be easier. But now that specializes in outsourcing takes place is not much. So, service industry will increase for the demand. According to the government, June,6 in early July at the end of the month will be announced. The measures of information technology and ways to integrate the service industry, R&D for the three kinds of tracks that are laid conveyed. A prime example is a patient self-care in their residence measured by the measuring device information through the Internet and smart phones based on this decision communicated to the doctor way about spend information that the patient is at a distance. At the end of last year to promote the plan to allow for telemedicine but defiance of the relevant interest groups didn't promote. The government to try to allow digital textbooks to push laws amendment under consideration. Open to the public the information related to the private market, with a new addition to the plan seeks to foster.