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Worthy Things In Your Spare Time 2016-01-08 오후 7:40:00

We can see people putting there heads down and staring at smartphones. Smartphone is convenient device that we can use whenever and wherever we want. But, these pros can also be cons. We can see many people using their smartphones whenever they have time to spare. 5 minutes break time in school or office, 5 minutes in bathroom, etc. They use smartphones, and what they do is mostly SNS.
In fact, teens mostly watch other people's posts, instead of posting their own. It is poisonous for 'using time effectively'. You may think 'It's just a spare time.'. Yes, it's true, but there is a proverb going 'drop by drop fills the tub'. I'm not saying that using smartphones or SNS is a bad thing. I'm just saying we can do something worthier during the spare time.
As I mentioned before, spare time is a lot when each is gathered. Let's imagine you memorize English words for homework during spare time. Then, you won't have to complain you should do your homework until late. You can just talk with your friend next to you too. I mean why do you communicate with friends in distance in SNS, when you have your friend right next to you. Reading a book is also good. You can search 'hot dude reading' in SNS. There are pictures of people reading books in subway, and many people got good impression from the people in the pictures. There is a saying 'brain sexy'. Why don't you show your charm by reading a book.
Everyone has 24hours a day. Some people do everything during the time. But some can't finish their work even though they sleep very few hours. So, how are you going to spend your spare time?

source : instagram #hotdudereading

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