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Constabulary Academy is not easy. 2013-05-13 오전 11:11:00

Occasional recruitment support limiting the number of constraints and duplicate pass the college entrance examination, because General at any time, independently of the regular does not admissions.
The applicants will start early next month, 24 days more than two the general college recruitment at any time.
Constabulary, Academy should all school records and interviews, the College Scholastic Ability Test, a physical examination, as well as a written test separately a few times.
The police force as the primary test similar to Standardized tests in Korean, English, mathematics, and the opening ceremony is a test.
The first test is known to be a significant level of difficulty.
And then disconnect the drainage of the garden of the test, the second test, interview and physical examination.
Also, five events for both men and women from long inspection.
At interview, according to Aptitude test, self-introduction is correct, the doctor announced, not serve were helpful.
Also here, you get a good Standardized tests scores to the mountains beyond mountains.
Three schools but this typical method is almost similar to the Standardized tests reflects the ratio of the final grade reflects when 70 ~ 75% than the police force is much higher.
Constabulary, Academy, grades and good health, although there are certainly many advantages, it is not advisable to blindly support.

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