After the Fukushima nuclear plant accident in 2011, Japan had started to stop nuclear plants, one by one, and all of them were stopped in 2013. However Ave administration decided to reoperate Sendai nuclear plant on 11th , August beside the oppostie public opinion. In addition, Ave administration declared that other nuclear plants will reoperate after safety diagnoses.
Although this summer was the most intense heat wave all over the world and Japan wasn't an exception, Japan was not lack of electricity. The rate of Japan's electricity reservaation was around 10% because they use alternative energy like Sunlight or Thermal Power. However Ave persists that nuclear plants should be operated since it's power generation cost is relatively cheaper than other energy. In other words, Ave's objective is a stable secure of energy since Japan's dependence on imported energy is high. But some of people are saying that the real reason for this operation is hidden. The ex prime minister, Koizumi insists "Ave can't decide properly since he is surrounded by nuclear mafias". Nuclear mafia is a group pursuing the benefit by means of nuclear operation. It is a strong cartel or adhesion structure connecting government, assembly, financial circle, academia and media. |