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Did You Know this is Sprinkler? 2013-06-06 오후 4:05:00

Have ever being curious about this one? And do you know what is this? It's sprinkler on the road!

This is installed to safe for people and road. When asphalt get high temperature, it will be melted. And if the car comes, the car would be fell down in asphalt, like car fall into swamp! Then, we have to rebuild the road, and person fall dangerous happening! So, people installed the sprinkler on the road. The sprinkler be operated when the road get too hot teperature. It gives two effects. Water cool downs the road, and water can clean road too! Also, the sprinkler on the road can melt snow in winter with hot water.

The sprinkler on the road is very good idea, and good for people. But who suggested the idea about it?

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